Thursday, May 5, 2011

Alright, Light....

Look, Light.

We've been living together since August. I know for the first few months I didn't notice your noise, but is getting louder really necessary?

I already threatened you. What more can I do?

All you have to do is not drive me crazy for another five days. It shouldn't be that hard.

I'm begging you. You give me such a head ache.

Did you always do that, or did you only start when the boyfriend came to visit in November?

I never noticed until he pointed it out. Did you decide you didn't like having visitors and start yelling at us or something?

Because, if that was true, we had a guest in September. So seriously? What did you have against Dom?

I'm begging you. I'm studying. I like bright lights when they don't DRIVE ME INSANE.

Please just shut up.

You don't bother Karuna, so sing and dance and have your little party up there all you like.


Ok. Thanks.

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